Please read in its entirety
As the coronavirus situation continues to develop throughout our country, I wanted to take a moment to ensure you that I am thinking deeply about how to best continue providing you with quality mental health support as well as care for your physical safety and comfort. As such, the following precautions are being taken on a BUILDING wide level:
There are hand sanitizer dispensers located at the entrance to both outside doors.
As far as cleaning, the building management has communicated an increase of cleaning in common touchpoints throughout the property at minimum three (3) times per day. They have been instructed to use a broad-spectrum disinfectant that kills virus, bacteria, fungi, etc. These common touchpoints include, but are not limited to, all common area door handles (lobbies, fitness centers, conference rooms, etc.), ADA door opener buttons, elevator call buttons, vending machines, water fountains, parking ticket dispensers and pay-on-foot machines.
I have switched the payment system from Square to IVYPAY which does not require any shared personal handling of cards or electronic devices. You will receive a text on your phone to enter your card information. IVYPAY is HIPPA compliant and is used by many clinicians.
I am wiping down internal door handles and spraying Lysol in the office multiple times throughout the day.
I have suspended shaking hands for the time being.
As of now, I am still seeing clients in person. For those who may feel discomfort coming into the office, please contact me directly and I will set up telehealth appointments via a HIPPA compliant platform called Simple Practice. If the CDC recommends closure of the building, I will move to a temporary telehealth model.
Be Well,
Dr. Peat